
Hey there-

So, I know I’m a mess, and I know I fucked up what might have been a really great friendship, but I need to say a few things before I will be able to truly get out of my own head about this.

I’m a mess.
I’m not sorry for it.
I have a lot of feelings, and I don’t really know how to keep them underwaps.
You literally came out of nowhere in my life, and I thought it was really good.
I wanted to take things slow, and figure things out, but my head and heart were arguing and reality lost the battle.

I don’t remember most of what I said to you in the basement the other day.
But I’m pretty sure that, at the least, I was a mess, and made a complete fool of myself, and at the worse said something I can’t take back. If I did anything awful, I’m sorry I allowed myself to. I’m sorry if I hurt you.

I hope if you ever see me about, you’ll be able to nod hello.

Take care Dustyn. I wish you the best.

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